Agilent 8487D Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 50 GHz, -70 to -20 dBm (100 pW to 10 uW),Average/CW (EPM-P and EPM),2.4mm (m)

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Agilent 8487D Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 50 GHz, -70 to -20 dBm (100 pW to 10 uW),Average/CW (EPM-P and EPM),2.4mm (m)

Product Overview

The Agilent 8487D, Diode Power Sensor, is designed for use with the EPM series, EPM-P series, 70100A, E1416A and the 43x power meters, and provides extraordinary accuracy and stability. The Agilent HP8487D, Power Sensor, measures the average power over its entire -70 to -20 dBm dynamic range which gives you accurate readings even if your test signal is subjected to multitone environments, modulated carriers, or carriers with high harmonics.

Additional Features:

  • The unit covers the frequency range from 50 MHz to 50 GHz
  • Connector type is 2.4 mm. Maximum power of 100 mw

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