Tektronix TCP0020 20A AC/DC VPI Current Probe 50 MHz
Tektronix TCP0020 20A AC/DC VPI Current Probe 50 MHzProduct OverviewThe TCP0020, TCP2020, and TCP202A are a family of high-performance, easy-to-use AC/DC current probes designed for use with a variety of...
Regular price $1,99500 $1,995.00
Fluke 80i-110s AC/DC Current Probe for Fluke ScopeMeter, Harmonics Analyzer
Fluke 80i-110s AC/DC Current Probe for Fluke ScopeMeter, Harmonics AnalyzerProduct OverviewThe 80I-110s is compatible with any Fluke ScopeMeter Test Tool, Power Harmonics Analyzer, Oscilloscope, Multimeter, or other voltage measurement device...
Regular price $27500 $275.00
Keysight Agilent 1147B Current Probe, 50 MHz
Agilent 1147B Current Probe, 50 MHz, for the 5000 Series, 6000 Series (300MHz - 1GHz), 7000 Series, Infiniium 8000 Series, 9000 SeriesProduct Overview The 1147B is ideal for capturing transient...
Rohde & Schwarz RT-ZC15B Current Probe, 30 A rms, 50 A peak, 50 MHz, 0.1 V/A, AC/DC
Rohde & Schwarz RT-ZC15B Current Probe, 30 A rms, 50 A peak, 50 MHz, 0.1 V/A, AC/DCProduct Overview The RS RT-ZC15B is an AC/DC current probe. It allows the user...
Regular price $2,49500 $2,495.00
Agilent N2756A Keysight Technologies Logic Probe
Agilent N2756A Keysight Technologies Logic ProbeProduct Overview The N2756A is a low-cost 16-channel MSO cable kit for InfiniiVision Series oscilloscopes. The kit includes 1 flying lead cable, 5 right-angle grounds,...
Regular price $49500 $495.00
Tektronix TCPA300 Wide Range Current Probe Amplifier
Tektronix TCPA300 Wide Range Current Probe AmplifierProduct Overview The TCPA300 amplifier, when used with TCP312, TCP305, or TCP303 probes, provide a wide range of current measurement capability and spans the...
Regular price $1,09500 $1,095.00
Tektronix P6516 16 Channel Logic Probe for MSO4000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope w/ accessories
Tektronix P6516 16 Channel Logic Probe for MSO4000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope w/ accessoriesProduct OverviewThe Tektronix P6516 logic probe connects the Tektronix MSO4000 Series mixed--signal oscilloscopes to digital buses and signals on your...
Regular price $39500 $395.00
Tektronix P6616 Channel Logic Probe Cable Tektronix MSO4000B, MDO4000B/C and MSO5000/B
Tektronix P6616 Channel Logic Probe Cable Tektronix MSO4000B, MDO4000B/C and MSO5000/BProduct OverviewThe Tektronix P6616 is a logic probe from Tektronix. Use an electrical probe to test equipment and measure currents...
Regular price $29500 $295.00
Agilent E5346A High Density Probe Adapter
Regular price $4500 $45.00
Agilent E5378A Samtec Probe-Single-ended with 90-pin Cable Connectors
Regular price $7500 $75.00