Fluke 9640A RF Reference Source, 10 Hz - 4 GHz, No option

  • $5,295.00
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Fluke 9640A RF Reference Source, 10 Hz - 4 GHz, no option.  The leveling heads are not included.

Product Overview

The 9640A Series is an RF reference that takes the central role and typically halves the cost of a high capability RF calibration system. Its unique features and performance enable it to replace up to four signal sources (from audio/function generators to RF signal and low phase noise sources), power meters and power sensors, step attenuators, filters, pads, couplers, and also a frequency counter with the 9600FC integrated counter option. For many spectrum analyzer models operating below 4 GHz, only the 9640A Series is required to perform their entire calibration.

The 9640A Series performs more than 80 percent of all the tests required during high performance spectrum analyzer calibration. For workload with frequency requirements beyond 4 GHz, an existing RF and microwave source can be used alongside the 9640A rf reference to address the few remaining higher frequency test points all controlled by MET/CAL software.

The features of the 9640A Series provide many benefits in spectrum analyzer calibration. They also make the 9640A ideal for other workload, including RF millivoltmeters, signal level meters, modulation analyzers, receivers, counter/timers and attenuator calibration. Reducing the number of instruments in a calibration system brings many benefits. Metrology is simpler with fewer error sources and uncertainty contributions to consider. System support costs are reduced, as there are fewer instruments to calibrate and maintain. A smaller, more compact and robust system with a dependable rf reference is also a practical onsite calibration solution with lower transport costs.

The 9640A models are designed to match or exceed the performance and functionality of the HP3335A and HP8662/3A in calibration systems. With HP3335A GPIB command emulation as standard in both 9640A models and optional HP8662/3A emulation in the 9640A-LPNX, replacing these popular but obsolete and difficult-to-maintain products becomes just a plug-and-play substitution. HP8662/3A GPIB command emulation is installed on the 9640A-LPNX as "try before you buy" temporary license for convenient and thorough compatibility testing.

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